Monday, November 1, 2010

Readings in Brooklyn

I recently gave a reading at the inimitable BookCourt in Brooklyn, furnished by the Brooklyn Writers Space annex. Check out the 2010-2011 line-up!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reading: apexart gallery

apexart, a nonprofit arts org and gallery in SoHo, hosts workshops, exhibition talks, performances, and reading series. I'll be helping to kick off the 2010 Summer Reading Series, on July 14th. Swing by!

Wednesday, July 14th @ 6:30 pm
291 Church Street
New York, NY 10013 USA
tel. +212 431 5270

—>free admission to all programs and events

Directions: Several MTA trains stop at the Canal Street Station (6, A, C, E, J, M, Z, N, R, Q, W). The gallery is located on Church Street between Walker and White Streets, just two blocks south of Canal Street. The 1 train stops at Franklin Station and the gallery is two blocks east.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mat Johnson's Advice to Book Clubbers

A friend of mine recently posted a video in response to an unpleasant visit to a book club meeting.

Hilariously amazing. Watch it,

Monday, January 4, 2010

Writopia Lab

I'm involved in an awesome NYC-based nonprofit, Writopia Lab, which offers creative writing workshops to kids ages 8-18. And they deserve a shout-out!

Tots, tweens, and teens can take workshops in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and playwriting, and there are now branches in Brooklyn, D.C., and L.A. Spread the word!